A New Personal Record

The primary purpose of this blog is to share my motorcyle trips and other items of interest regarding motorcycling.
Yesterday was a great day for a ride. It started off a little cool, about 33 hear at 8:00. But it warmed up quickly. I ran some errands around town and then headed east on Hiway 70. Not many people use this road any more except for local runs. But this really is a beautiful drive, especially as you go east from Cookeville. I rode to Crossville. I was looking for a camping store which I thought I had seen there before. I couldn't find it this time. Does anyone know where it is? Anyway, that was just an excuse to ride up there. I took in some of the area around Crossville before heading back home. Total ride time as about 2.5 hours. This helps to keep the butt in shape, which I will need next year. Weather was great, traffic was almost non-existant, the road is in good shape, and the scenery can't be beat. What else can a rider ask for?