Well, in spite of near freezing temps, the sunshine, the blue skies, the budding trees all look like springtime. My street is beautiful in springtime with the Bradford Pears all in bloom, as you can see here in this pic. And it is always a good day for riding with the sunshine like this, regardless of the temp. Today I met a new BMW motorcycle friend, Steve. He lives on the other side of Gainseboro but rode his bike to Ckv and we met at Poet's for some coffee. He has recently moved to Tenn after retiring from FL. So, he will enjoy discovering all the great riding roads of this part of our state. And maybe we can ride some of them together. My grandson, Eli, is with us for the weekend. Of course, the first thing he wanted to do when he got here was sit on the motorcycle. This morning he helped me clean it up and got it all shiny.
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